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Copyright and databases - l'Association

A letter has recently been circulated to the heads of many laboratories requesting them to donate CIF files created by scientists in their laboratory to an open database (COD). It states:
 "a simple letter or email agreement is enough - we will proceed to incorporate the structures in the databases for the papers in which your Laboratory appears".

The objective of this initiative is to avoid paying for the existing databases:
"If we consider that 20 laboratories (looks reasonable for France for instance) are regularly updating their actual database, say they spend 1500 Euro per year, it is 30 kEuro national expense for nothing"

On the WWW pages for COD, it is implied that these CIF files may be copied from the existing databases. However, the conditions of use of the Karlsruhe ICSD (inorganic) and Cambridge CCDC (organic) databases explicitly exclude the re-publication of data extracted from them.

From http://www.fiz-informationsdienste.de/en/agb/icsd.html
"Information retrieved from the database shall not be passed on to third parties not belonging to the group of authorised users".

Individuals who break these conditions of use are open to a number of penalties. The idea that heads of laboratories can simply give permission for the copying of data created by scientists working in their labs. is strange. No permission is needed if the data is extracted from the original publication, and no-one except the owner can give permission to re-publish data copied from another database in defiance of the legal conditions of use.

It should also be remembered that the IUCr has a formal agreement with the publishers of the ICSD, such that academic crystallographers obtain the database at a much reduced price. The Karlsruhe and Cambridge databases are produced by European laboratories, like CNRS. They are not the "Microsofts of Crystallography".

The database charges pay for the work needed to check and enter the data, write the software, distribute it etc. The COD people pretend that they can do this for "free" (in their spare time?), using the WWW. They forget that ICSD has been available on WWW for "free" for many years now, for all academics in several countries - http://www.fiz-informationsdienste.de/en/DB/icsd/. ICSD contains 65,000 checked entries, compared to the few thousand unchecked entries in COD. (An incomplete database is not very useful). National organisations such as the UK-EPSRC pay for nation-wide licences for ICSD and other crystallographic databases. If more countries would do this, the price of these databases would be even lower.

When I read the discussion about the setting up of COD on http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/cod/Advisory-Board.txt, I find that an American organisation has donated the software for COD, and has indeed expressed the wish to replace ICSD. This may be fair competition, so long as they retrieve the data themselves from the original publications, and not simply copy it from ICSD and CCDC.

But I do not believe that European crystallographers have an interest in undermining the existing databases, which are produced by other European laboratories, and I believe that many people in positions of responsibility will share my view.


Dr Alan W. Hewat, Diffraction Group Leader.
Institut Laue-Langevin, BP 156X Grenoble FRANCE 38042
fax (33) tel (33) (or .26 Mme Guillermet)
<hewat@ill.fr>  http://www.ill.fr/dif/AlanHewat.htm
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