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Experimental Proposals

Dear colleague,

In order to reduce the interval of time between the submission and the realisation of your neutrons-scattering experiment, we have decided to make two calls for proposals each year. Accordingly, the last Selection Committees have sheared out only part of the total beam time available this year.

You are then request to send, as explained below, the proposal for the experiments you wish to carry out up to the end of this year. It can concern equally the submission of a new proposal or a resubmission of a proposal which have obtained "B" grade from a previous Selection Committee.

Please find enclosed an experimental project application form ("proposition d’expérience"). You have also the opportunity to submit your proposal through our web server. This service is available at the following address :

The proposals should be carefully completed and sent to us using either the paper original forms (if you are in need of further copies please contact us by postmail, fax, telephone or e-mail) or the web service. For your convenience, you will find on our laboratory’s web server the list of spectrometers, their main characteristics and the way to join the physicist normally responsible for each instrument.

You are required to supply the information written in red. Concerning project classification (themes, sub-themes), please examine the attached list. Finally, I must bring to your attention the safety box (rubrique "sécurité") and the obligatory signature acknowledging your responsibility. In case of doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We have the pleasure to inform you that LLB has been selected in the frame of the

European Community – Access activities of the Neutron scattering and Muon spectroscopy Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (NMI3)

which will support access to neutron beams for the selected user teams, travel and subsistence fees of visiting scientists.

The programme is opened to (non french) E.C. users and to scientists of the associated states. Priority will be given to new users.

Details are found in the joined brochure and will be sent to you separately.

  1. Proposal submission

When completing the form, please indicate whether it is a new proposal, a continuation of a previous experiment or a resubmission. Each demand should be self-contained and presented in a clear and concise manor, written in English or French. For guidance, the contents of a proposition should correspond to the equivalent of a 5 to 10 minutes oral presentation. In the case of a project continuation, attach the corresponding experimental report if it has not already been previously supplied.

All the propositions should be sent to the "Secrétariat Scientifique du Laboratoire Léon Brillouin". To be included in the next selection, the deadlines for reception are :

1st April and 1st October

2) We wish to remind you of the existence of an electronic mailing list ; instructions for subscribing to this service are supplied in the enclosed annex. Subscribing to this service ensures the simplest and quickest means for us to distribute information rapidly to you.


3) LLB’s web server :

4) Function of the Selection Committee

Proposal are examined by 4 Selection Committees. Each is composed of 10 to 12 senior scientists which are nominated by the management of LLB for 3 years. At least half of them do not belong to the LLB and 2 or 3 are coming from foreign institut.

For each spectrometer, LLB gives a beam-time available which is shared out by the committee ; each proposal gets a grade A or B or C.

A : means that the experiment must be done and the committee allocates a beam-time,

B : means that the experiment might be done if there is some extra beam-time,

C : means that the experiment is refused on scientific arguments.

Selection Committee are asked to take care of the educationnal duty of the LLB when proposal comes from new young searcher.

Yours sincerely,

A. Menelle
Director Assistant