NeXus Delphi/Kylix API

This is an implementation of the NeXuS API file format for the Delphi/Kylix langages. This has been used to allow the program SpectraProcessor to deal with NeXuS files.

For more information on NeXuS :


* Manuals : N/A update XX.XX.02

HTML manual : NexusDelphiAPI

Download the manual : NexusDelphiAPI_Manual (Word2000 file)


* Download the latest version

This zip file contains the 2 main units NexusCoreDelphiAPI.pas and NexusUtilitiesDelphiAPI.pas which implement the NeXuS API as well as utilities. A sample program is also included for testing the different Nexus functions. The three DLL’s included are necessary in order to be able to handle HDF and NXS files.

Download : (version 1.0, Windows 95/98/NT4/2000/ Linux platforms only)

NEW in version 1.0:
First working version.

* Some essential NeXuS DLL's that are ready to use within the “Windows” OS

For using the NeXuS file format within windows : NeXuS_DLLs.exe (updated 27.01.03)


 Previous versions

Download : (version 1.0, Windows 95/98/NT4/2000/ Linux platforms only)

* NEW in version 1.0:
This is the first working version. It is written complying to CLX standards and compiles either under Delphi or Kylix



LABORATOIRE LEON BRILLOUIN (CEA/CNRS) mise à jour : 19/08/2002